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The Old Ways Podcast

Oct 28, 2019

The bell tolls for our investigators in this episode, as they come to grips with Swift's foul scheme! The long knives are out for everyone, as lives and sanity hang in the balance. 

Oct 21, 2019

Episode seven finds our investigators deep underground a secret building, searching for the truth of what the notorious Johnathan Swift has done. Something from beyond the human world reaches out, rattling the Chicago crew to its bones. 



Oct 14, 2019

In episode six, the investigators regather themselves outside the small shack in the Chicago Union Stockyards, desperate to determine what to do. Doctor Tattenbach receives a strange vision of what might be at the heart of Swift's sinister plan. 

Oct 6, 2019

In episode five we welcome an all new recording setup! After much toiling and bowing to the dark beings from the beyond, we've finished our new recording setup to the joy over everyone's ears. 

Episode five finds our investigating crew beginning their search of a strange building at the Chicago Union Stockyards. What...