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The Old Ways Podcast

Nov 30, 2020

After recovering a curious item, Lillian tries to work her social charms on the Vane family, hoping to gain an audience with Lord Vane. Simon scouts out the castle as the skies turn darker in the cold northern village. 

Nov 23, 2020

Fanning out around Edale, the investigators scour the area for clues, and Simon gets more than he'd bargained for when snooping inside the vicarage. 

Nov 16, 2020

Foul weather brings strange sounds on the air, and as the investigators dig in, the quaint and simple village of Edale reveals itself to be anything but that. 





Nov 9, 2020

After a ride through the countryside, the investigators arrive in Lesser Edale to stormy weather and tales of a massive wild dog who terrorized the people months ago.  

Nov 2, 2020

With the overcast skies of England forecasting rain, the investigators begin their path north to Derby where they hope to uncover the truth behind a story Elias pointed to but never investigated.